Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Let’s Eat The Elephant!

What A New Day!

Killing an elephant is unbelievably insane. But…, how about eat it? Eat an elephant? “Come on, man! How can I eat an elephant?” you may say that. But, I meant it. Do you really know how to eat an elephant?

Elephant could be the only giant living creature remaining in the world. Nonetheless, in Africa I heard, many of black hunters took nothing from the animal but the ivory. They killed it. Cut the ivory. And left the dead body on the ground. They just left it. Can you imagine? Experts believe that if we could not protect them from such brutal hunting and killing; we may loose the cute animal within only few decades. And make it nothing but only history.

Now, let’s get back to our key question; how to eat an elephant? Do you have any idea to answer it? Didn’t you hear some body ask you that crazy question?

When I was at the first time hearing that question, I reacted like you did. To me, it was not just because an elephant is too big to be eaten. But also the absurdity the question brought to me. “How can I eat an elephant?” Ha! As if I do not have anything else to consume. I have beef burger. French-fries. Salad. And Tuna. Crab meat and Lobsters are even better. Then how can I eat an elephant! What kind of question was that?

But, wait. Let’s think over the question once again. And let’s pretend you don’t have any conflicting issue to eat an elephant. Still, can’t you find the answer for the question? And yes, if you get the right answer for the question, you will discover the reason behind; why some body asked you that silly query. Well, congratulation! Now you got the answer. That’s right. How to eat an elephant is “to eat it bite by bite”.

As I promised, if you get the right answer; you will discover the reason behind. The beauty of ‘eating an elephant’ technique. Now, let’s discover the lesson. Elephant. The giant animal. Representing something you have to accomplish. It could be a big project. Ambitious aim. Sky rocketing purpose. Anything. You name it. The big thing; that’s an elephant.

Like ‘eating an elephant’; you sometimes think that it is impossible for you to accomplish that biiiiiig project. You have exactly the same objection there in your heart; loudly yelling you a deadly word of ‘impossible’. It is impossible for you to eat an elephant. Therefore, it is no way for you to accomplish the BIG task. You see what I mean?

Alright. Now let’s see your answer on the question. Eat it bite by bite. Your elephant? Yes. Your elephant. Can you eat the elephant by only swallow it once? No. Now, can you eat it bite by bite? Yes, you can. Alright then; can you eat your giant mission bite by bite? I am sure you know the answer. Don’t tell me that. Just go trough it. And believe me. You. Can. Accomplish it. Successfully.

Now, let’s eat the elephant!

What A New Day!


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Beliefs Can Boost You To Greater Things


Are there things that compel us to do what we do?
What guides us in our choices of what we become in life, our professional choices, our educational choices, etc. Could it be our beliefs to some extent? Yes, psychologists say that we make many decisions in life based on how we see ourselves, and how we perceive what we can become in life. I guess this boils down to our “beliefs” – what is possible for us in life.

When I mention beliefs, most people immediately relate this in some way to religion. That is not the belief that I’m referring to, although that is one type of belief of course. I’m talking about what you believe to be true for yourself and your future. What you believe, deep down, about yourself internally. Our beliefs about who we are can be created by many things, mostly by our environment and how we were brought up. In addition, our experiences in life have a great impact on our beliefs. What were you taught when you were young about the possibilities for your future, what occupation you should pursue, how much income you would have?

If you’re like most people, including myself, not much was ever said about what was possible for you, so you just looked around and made your own assumptions. If you grew up in a small town where nearly everyone worked in a coalmine, then your future looked very dark, literally. However if you grew up in a well-to-do area where nearly everyone was college educated and had either a solid profession or a business, then you probably saw many more possibilities for yourself. Regardless, other factors have a great impact on your beliefs.

One of the most important things that effect our beliefs is the way we talk to ourselves internally. When you are presented with a task, either at school or at your job, if you tell yourself there’s no way I’m going to get this done, then chances are you won’t! When I say “tell yourself”, that’s exactly what we do, by a method known as internal dialog. We don’t of course consciously tell ourselves, but on an almost subconscious level we have mini-conversations with ourselves every minute of every day! They are constant and never ending, and cause us to make decisions that are vital to our lives. Wouldn’t it be better if we had more control over these decisions, these thoughts that are constantly bouncing around in our heads? In order to change our actions, we must learn (through habit) to control this dialog as much as possible in order to control our actions. Internal dialog is such a major force in our lives that we must learn to change, and use it to our benefit instead of our detriment. Of course, it may be impossible to control completely, because external forces are always causing us to lose our focus in so many ways. But believe me the sooner you learn to believe in what you can do in a positive way, and block out all of the negative self-talk that floods most peoples minds, the sooner you will be on your way to reaching your goals. At the end of this book I have some exercises that will help, make sure to check those out!

Most people have other beliefs that need to be changed as well, ones that cripple us every day without our even knowing it. Limiting beliefs about not only what we can or can’t do, but also what we deserve in life. Many people unfortunately have a negative self-image that limits them in life, almost like a “governor” on a large engine that only allows 50% of the power to be used! This negative image is a constant nagging reminder that says “I’m not good enough” or “I could never make a million dollars”. Don’t believe it for one minute! The only difference between the mindset of someone that makes a million dollars and one that makes $20K a year as a sales clerk is BELIEF in what they can do. You must begin right now to tell yourself every day that you are indeed capable of becoming whatever you wish to become, whether it’s a millionaire, successful at your chosen career, an actor/actress, a writer, or whatever your goals are. Remember, if anyone can do it, you can repeat that persons success by first believing that you can do it, then following their example and modeling their behavior.

There are many ways to model another persons behavior, you can find a mentor and copy their strategies for success at whatever skill you need to learn. Even learning from a book about this person, if you can’t find a mentor that can teach you directly, will suffice. The key is to learn how others perform and duplicate their process, whether you are learning to ski, trade stocks on Wall Street, or run a business successfully. The principles need to be learned from someone who is already successful, and copying someone that’s already doing what you want to be skilled at will help speed this process.

Another very important aspect of belief is a little thing called “self-esteem”, something many people are woefully short on. The problem with building self-esteem is that our belief in what we can accomplish in life is so embedded in our minds by the time we are adults, it takes a very strong process to repair if it is damaged. You see a lot of our beliefs are formed when we are quite young, by accident or by someone simply telling us we are “stupid” or we’ll “never amount to anything”, or similar words that sink into our subconscious and take hold without our knowing it. In order to change our thoughts internally and thus our beliefs, we must change that thought process. How do we do it? By talking to our subconscious mind, repeating phrases that help to strengthen our self-esteem once again. This may sound strange to some people but try this anyway; it works and has worked for thousands of people. Write several phrases down on paper, things that you want to believe in that will improve your self-esteem, and repeat them to yourself at least twice a day in the morning and before going to bed at night. Things such as “I can accomplish anything in life I desire”, or “my success is up to me, and I chose to be successful”. From now on make sure that you have a strong conviction that anything you want in life can be accomplished, because your belief will make it so. If at first you aren’t sure you really believe it with all your heart, continue to “act” as if you do anyway. In time, your beliefs will be in step with the new you. Remember that beliefs held for a long time may change slowly, but with a powerful desire and passion to change them you are destined for success and happiness. This I assure you…

To your continued success and happiness!

By: Doug Hart

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Motivation Is The Core Of Self Improvement

Pain, they say, is the cornerstone of all spiritual growth and may sometimes be the reason why people change for the better. Debts may inspire us to find ways to increase our income in creative ways. Flunking a class may make us realize that we need to apply ourselves and study more, or perhaps we need to switch gears on our choice of classes. Experiencing humiliation encourages us to stand up and fight for ourselves to side-step the next embarrassment. It may be a bitter experience, a friend’s tragic story, a great movie, or an inspiring book that will help us get moving and get the exact amount of motivation we need for self improvement.

With the countless negative experiences life on life’s terms may bring about, how do we keep ourselves motivated? Try out these A to Z motivational tips for success…

A - Achieve your dreams. Avoid negative situations, people and places. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

B - Believe in your self, and in what you can do. “Believe more deeply. Hold you face up to the light even if for the moment you do not see.” – Bill W.

C – Consider life from every angle and aspect and choose to assign a positive perception. Motivation comes from determination. To be able to understand life, you should feel the sunshine from all sides.

D – Don’t give up, don’t give in and don’t get down on yourself. Thomas Edison failed multiple times before he came up with his invention and perfected the incandescent light bulb. Let your failures motivate you and treat them as valuable life lessons – be proud of what you have learned! Make motivation your steering wheel to navigate through life’s failures.

E – Enjoy life. Work as if you don’t need money. Dance as if nobody’s watching. Love as if you never cried. Learn as if you’ll live forever. Motivation takes place when people are happy – so choose to be happy!

F – Family and Friends – Life’s greatest treasures. Don’t lose sight of them and cherish your moments together.

G – Give more than asked – then give even more. Exert extra effort in the areas of home, work and school. Give the most of yourself and ask not what the party can bring to you, but ask what you can bring to the party.

H – Hang on to your dreams. Hold on to the vision of the beauty of what you can do or be and let these dreams and visions be your driving force to motivate your actions.

I – Ignore those who try to destroy you. Shun the non-believers. Don’t let other people get the best of you. Steer clear of toxic people – the kind of friends who hate to hear about your happiness and success.

J – Just be yourself. The key to success is to be yourself and the key to failure is to try to be who everyone else wants you to be (people-pleaser).

K – Keep trying no matter how difficult life may seem. Determination and motivation are exquisitely linked. When you keep motivated, eventually you will see the seeming harshness of life clearing out, paving the way to self improvement.

L – Learn to love your self. Loving yourself is the one true path to learning to give love to others in a healthy way.

M – Make things happen. Motivation is when your dreams are put into work clothes.

N – Never lie, cheat or steal. Always play a fair game and be honest with yourself and others. “To thine own self be true, and then thou canst be false to any other man.” Wm. Shakespeare

O – Open your eyes. Do not embellish reality or minimize it. See the simple truth, nothing more, nothing less.

P – Practice makes perfect. Practice is about motivation and perfection is only an opinion. Allow yourself to learn through practice and be gentle towards yourself if you need time to recover from your mistakes.

Q – Quitters never win. And winners never quit. If you do get to feeling down, know yourself enough to know what you need to get that fire burning inside of you again, and do it.

R – Ready yourself. Motivation is also about preparation. Listen to that still small voice within you telling you to get moving. Do what you feel is right in the moment that you feel it and don’t question your inner voice. Remember, it wasn’t raining when Noah build the ark.

S – Stop procrastinating. Procrastination is sloth in five syllables.

T – Take control of your life. Discipline and self control are necessary in the process of motivation, and are key factors in self improvement.

U – Understand others. You were created with two ears and only one mouth. Seek to understand first, and to be understood second.

V – Visualize it. Motivation without vision is like driving without a destination.

W – Want it more than anything. Your strong desire will become the root of the tree of motivation and self improvement.

X – X-Factors are the circumstances or events you will need to overcome to achieve your dreams. Each obstacle you traverse molds you into a new creation. X-Factors are not your foes – they are the stones that strengthen you and make you who you were intended to be.

Y – You are unique. No other person in this world is exactly like you. Value your life and your existence, because you’re special and life is a gift.

Z – Zero in on your dreams and go for it!!!

By: Helen Troyanovich

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